A Good Book and A Scarf

I don't know about you, but I have met some of the nicest and most sharing people on the blog. I have a friend, Jan, out in California, who works at Barnes and Noble. She must read 2 or 300 book every year. She sews. She writes book reviews. She cooks. She is into photography. Each Monday Jan has a book give away. I can't tell you how many books I have won. This is the lastest one. I can't wait to read it. Could be awhile I have a few quilts to finish first. Not only all of that stuff above...she even does a Pay It Forward. About a year ago she gathered a bunch of people that promised to make something (yes, a homemade something) to send to someone. She made me a scarf using vintage fabric. I love it. And when Cassie comes I am going to put it away because I am afraid it might go in her suitcase and make it's way back to CO with her. So now I have to finish my Pay It Forward and get it in the mail.

Thanks Jan I love it all.


Katie R said…
love the scarf- its actually the new Anna Maria Horner voile fabric (Which I LOVE!) I made all my girls scarves for Christmas- mostly out of the more solid of the prints. I have a pink one, it is sooo soft! Praying for your fam (and SB) hope you have fun with Ellis and Alaire (and Cassie) :)

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