Conference Time Again Already

Even if the teacher feels we don't need a conference...I always need a conference. Michael's teacher is on maternity leave and we have Mrs. Abbott for awhile. Mrs. Abbott and I email each week to see how Michael is doing and I get a feel to see if we are on the same page as in keeping him accountable for his actions. It was nice to finally meet her in person. Nice lady and I think she likes Michael. I don't think she 'gets' him yet. Each student was asked to make a folder cover and write a letter to their parents. This is Michael's Masterpiece Cover. If you look closely Mario and The Titanic have collided. There is a figure on the front of the ship with it's arms spread out and the bubble says 'I'm king of the world.' I seriously have no idea where that came from...he has never see the movie. But I am betting that he has seen a commercial for it. Crack me up!

Dear Mom and Dad,
Thank you for being great parent(s). I like to read at school. I also like to do math games. I love you two so much. Thanks again for being my parents.
Your son,


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