A Blast From My Past

I dreamed of snow ice cream last night. I have the taste on my tongue. So, what's a girl to do? Con her 8 year old into making some with her. Here you will find step by step instructions and pictures for your enjoyment.


Have a medium size bowl and a one cup measuring cup,ready when you child comes thru the door after a tough day at school. Be so perky that you think you might throw up, and convey how exciting it will be to make your snow cream! Trudge thru the 6 inches of freshly fallen snow in you yard. Find an area that has yet to be contaminated by any animal or human type person. Or if you are so lucky...sit a bowl outside during a snowfall and catch it right out of the sky.

With a measuring cup, scoop about 4 cups of clean snow into the huge bowl your child can hardly manage to carry. Oh so carefully make you way into the house. Or you could even have everything ready and outside and make it there...less chance of melting too soon.

And it isn't such a good idea to threaten you Mom with a snowball, especially if she has her camera pointed in your direction. You just need to wait a second or two and whop her upside the back of the head with it.

Don't bother hanging up your coats... it takes way to much time and your snow is going to be melting really fast.

In a smaller bowl that is more manageable for your child, pour 1/2 cup of milk or Half and Half ...if you are lucky enough to have it handy.

To you milk, now is the right time to add 1/4 cup of sweetener...we used Splenda.

Very carefully measure out 1/4 teaspoon of vanilla.

Mix all of this together with a serving size spoon. Mix until the ice cream looks almost like the consistency of soft ice cream. It will seem like you need to add more milk. Please don't...we made that mistake with the first batch.Scoop into a bowl. You can even add sprinkles (WV term) or Jimmies (Cincinnati term).

I'd say we had a happy customer.

And then after you have tested it to make sure it is edible...shares some with your two favorite Sarah's.


Anonymous said…
did your father give you that recipe?
Anonymous said…
of ALL those pictures u took!? ya had to choose that one!?

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