Sunday Afternoon Drive

Before I even begin this blog let me just tell you that my family has turned against me. They say that no one reads the blog anymore because they don't want to see pictures of nature. That the blog is boring. What people want is a story, not just a bunch of pictures of nature. They even suggested that I might want to consider starting a nature blog. Well, I am considering that. My only draw back is that I am not creative enough to come up with a real artsy name for it. So if there is anyone out there in blog land, that has a serious thought about this, please leave your suggestion in the comments. But until then I will post pictures here and on my other blog.

Back to the story...

Growing up Mark's family would always take a Sunday drive out into the country. I love driving and finding 'things' and looking for interesting things to take pictures of. So this morning after everything was finished, Mark and I jumped in the truck and headed off to places unknown...seriously...we had no idea where we were.I can never pass up a good barn. I once had a dream of owning a little barn like this and turning it into a really cool little house. As I was walking back to the truck a little yellow cat came around the backside of the barn...they a grey one...a black one and a black and white one. I am sure they knew if they made eye contact with me they would be going home with us. So I ran like the wind back to the truck and told Mark to hightail it out of there before it was too late.Where did this covered bridge come from? I have not a clue. We rounded a curve and there it was. I couldn't get out of the truck fast enough. Grinning from ear to ear I must have taken 50 shots. I walked thru it looked out the cutout on the side, took more pictures from the other side and I am trying to remember where it is. I think I know so the next time we got to WV we will definitely be checking it out again. Where's my telephoto lens when I need it?! I was checking out the little creek on the right of the road while Mark is making comments about a guy running in 14 degree weather, when out of my eye I see a little barn. Then my eye caught some movements...4 deer. (Curt, you should have been there) I got out of the truck as slowly and quietly as I could. They looked at me and figured I was no threat. They stood there and stared for awhile and the decided the grass was greener on the other side of the hill. This bunch was taking their good old sweet time crossing the road when we rounded another curve and about ran into them. By the time I got myself gathered and rolled the window down it was almost too late. We watched them run for a long time. From that moment on I kept the camera on the monopod and ready to shoot. Mark should be the one behind the camera. He can find things it takes me forever to see. We are driving down this little country road and he stops. I'm thinking more deer getting ready to cross in front of us. No. He says don't you see the bird. Nope. Finally I see it and Mark rolls down his window so I can get a shot of it from my side of the truck. Not to bad. We have this wonderful park close to us that we just knew would be beautiful with all the sow and freezing fog. Mother Nature didn't disappoint. It was beautiful. My shots don't even come close to showing you the quiet still whiteness (is that a word?) We spent a lot of time there. It sure looks and feels different from when we are walking or riding bikes on the track. This is one of my favorite places in the park. On a really hot day you can go here in the shade and cool off. Michael calls this the park alley. Looks just a bit different in the winter.
I really wish you could see the snow and ice covering the trees. It almost looks like the trees were in a cotton candy machine. And you can tell by the tracks in the road that we had a HUGE snow that caused the kids to have two SNOW DAYS. Michael is already wishing for another one tomorrow. Don't think that is going to happen. No snow in the forecast. They might call for a delay because it is so cold. He doesn't care...he will still be doing the snow dance tonight.My last barn shot...for the time being. I only wish I knew what kind of vine that was. I am hoping in the summer we will be out for another Sunday Drive and we will happen around this bend in the road so I can see what kind of vine this is.


The Oakes said…
I don't know I did think they were pretty pictures
Jan said…
Jan, I think your family is over-critical and full of c**p. There I said it.

Your blog is great and so much fun.
ronda said…
Who cares what the family says, i love the pictures. Here or on Facebook!!! I just wish i had half as much energy as you do!!!
Kathy said…
your photography is just unbelievable. you need to be entering those things and winning u some moolah!
Kathy said…
were lots alike!
#1 i have always dreamed of fixing up little barns and shed type places and living in them-all snuggly around the ol stove

#2 i wouldve had to run from the kitties too. eye contact=new pets.

again-that photography is great. you seriously need to enter some contests

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