So Hard

My heart is so heavy and I feel like I am carrying around a thousand pounds and that my chest is just going to burst. This is probably the most difficult blog I have even written. Last night Cassie called. I only knew it was her because it told me so on my phone. I could not understand a word she was saying. She was distraught. Once she calmed down enough for me to put bits and pieces together, I listened to her tell the horrible story about a sweet little boy named Daniel. His Mom found him strangled with mini blinds cords when she went to check on him from his nap. Daniel and his little sister are Ellis and Alaire's best buddies. Just last week they all had a sleepover at Cassie's. (Ellis is on the top bunk). My heart if breaking for the family and for Cassie's family. I just want to jump on a plane and be there. How do you tell your little ones about death? Cassie and I have been looking for Christian books that she will be able to use when talking to Ellis and Alaire and the children at her church with a Christian perspective. Please pray for the family. Pray for the friends that have volunteered to do just about anything they can. I know that the church family are coordinating things as I am writing this. Pray that God gives everyone the right words to say and guides everyone in all they will be doing.

I'll end with the quote that Cassie wrote on her FaceBook page..."I have chosen you and have not rejected you. Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:9-10


Jan said…
The worse nightmare I can imagine.
Unknown said…
My heart weighs so heavy for them as well. They've been on my mind a lot since this came across the prayer chain. So not fair. Hits close to home for me--
I plan on sending The suttons a card soon.
oodrea1221 said…
Thank you Jan (and Cassie and Kathy)! We would not have made it through the most difficult time in our lives, without God and his people, coming along side of us and helping us through! I thought I left a message on the post after this one, but it's not showing up... maybe it goes through a filter, so I'm trying again! I googled my name and your blog showed awesome is that?! :)

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