So Loved

So any of you have commented on FB or written me emails (which I have forwarded on to Cassie) to say that you will be praying for the Cassie's friends and her family. The outpouring of support for this family has been amazing. Yesterday there was a meeting of families that wanted to help...over 120 people showed up. They have volunteered to clean house, make airport runs, do laundry, provide child name it, they have it covered. After the meeting Cassie was so pumped about the outpouring of love and concern,that he went to The Sutton's, knowing that Andrea would be thrilled. And she was. " WOW, I can't believe this many people care." It really seemed to give her a boost. Evidently, Andrea, usually a real talker, hasn't spoken much since the accident. But that night she looked at Cassie and said, "Cassie, I think I have my words back." Cassie said that she told Andrea that that was a good sign. I can just see them both smiling at each other. And if Cassie is my daughter, I'm sure there were a few tears too.

If you would like to send a card to the Sutton's or email Andrea...

David and Andrea Sutton
16229 Echo Circle
Firestone, Co 80504

Today when I was on the computer I found that Cassie is the coordinator of the coolest thing that I think every church, funeral home...anyone that needs to coordinate something that a whole lot of people are involved in. Care Calendar. It coordinates meals, transportation, map to the home, special needs of the family...everything a person needs to coordinate all of this in one place where people can assess it any time of the day.


oodrea1221 said…
THANK YOU JAN (and Cassie)! We were so blessed to have so many caring for us (and continuing to keep us in their prayers)! Losing a child is something you never "get over"...but you learn to adjust and go on...with GOD and the help of others (allowing God to work through them)! Eph 2:10

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