Snow Babies

Today the girls and I ventured out into the snow. I imagined that it would take longer to get everyone into their boots, snowsuits, mittens, and hats then we would actually spend outside. Not the case. While the girls were napping I came up with plan and laid everything out in order of what when on order pants, the other snow pants...mittens and other mittens...hats.... Diapers changed first...and Little Ms M had a blowout so she was back in her pj's. She didn't care. So we all get dressed and head outside. One one can walk. It isn't that they aren't old enough to be walking...they just can't walk with all the snow gear on. Little Ms M does a little shuffle and Allyson just falls face first. So what do you do? Sit them on their bottoms in the garage while I get my boots on (that are in the garage.) They sat nicely on the sled too. They loved it! Here are all the smiles to prove it.


The Oakes said…
cute little pink bundles. we sure would love making snow angels with them!
Kathy said…
your such a cool wammy to take them out!!

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