Because of the never increasing interest of the snowfall amounts in our area, this morning (after snow blowing yet another time, the Wammy can went to work. The first official measurement for the
Snow Season of 2010....(drum roll please). Michael and I ventured out to McDonald's (Don't let out little secret out of the bag...we just couldn't stand another bite of leftovers or soup) this afternoon. We noticed that the main roads in our area are clear. And that, I guess to save on the salt, only the stop sign intersections were salted. Pretty smart I'd say.
I just checked my WeatherBug and got our forecast
..."scattered large snow showers will continue this afternoon . Any and all accumulation will be less than 1". Winds will cause some blowing and drifting snow on to roadways. Use caution if traveling. Wind chill as low as -5 degrees."
We are under a Level 2 Snow Emergency...'roads are hazardous, only those who feel it necessary to drive should do so. And drivers are encouraged to call their employers to verify if they need to report to work."