Mom's Weekend at Cedarville

Betsy asked if I wanted to go to Cedarville with her on Saturday. Fred had gotten two tickets for all the stuff for Saturday. Heck, yes, a road trip with Betsyco...she packs a good bunch of snacks.

While the boys were sleeping in (Fred is really sick) Betsy and I had a great time. Breakfast of muffins and a MochaJo and a healthy banana.

I go to have another 'adopted son' for the day. Fred's roommate Mom couldn't make it. I was thrilled to do the honors. He hugged me right off and we were on our way.

We got to make five cards with one of the professor's wives. She was such a sweet lady...our new best friend.

We got to watch sugar candy blowing. Really neat...never seen pull candy being blown.

We heard lots of ideas for decorating. I had to get a shot of this picture. It is of three doors for a vacation trip their family took. We thought we could that that idea an door windows....the list could be endless. I see future wedding gifts in this one.

The Mom's were told that there would be a cookie exchange during the day. A ping pong table filled with boxes of cookies to be shared. The chef even made these cute little cookie pops. We made sure that the boys got one of each of those. You even got to write a love note on the top of your box.

After our fun morning it was time to meet the boys for a quick tour of the school and then to WalMart for meds for Fred. And you can't go to a college campus without taking you favorite college students to lunch.

I had a great time and it took me back to our days at Asbury. I love my new "adopted son" Dan. Hey Fred, I would love to send his Mom a note telling her what a great son we share.....


Jan said…
What a great time you had. Your photos are great, too. Except the one of you, I couldn't see it.
Jan AKA Wammy said…
I am always the one behind the camera...which is where I like to be. Besides it was Betsy's time with her son.

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