I Thought I Saw....

I was sitting on the couch with Allyson today having our goldfish snack.. We were watching TV with Michael. All of a sudden I saw a little blue streak land on the Mercedes 1224 bird feeder. I sat there for a second to see what was going to happen. Then I realized that there were two. I couldn't get to my camera fast enough. Of course I had the wrong lens on and didn't think I had much time to try to capture the 'bluebirds' in the yard. I had to crop the shot so much that I don't think it will enlarge if you click on it. I dug out and dust off our Birds of Ohio book. I am so glad that the bird pages are color coded. I found out that we have barn swallows at the feeder. There are six species in Ohio. Two amazing things about these swallows is that they drink in flight, skimming water or getting water from wet leaves. Also they bathe while flying through the rain or sprinklers. They are pretty but I will still look for those bluebirds.


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