Hope For Haiti

This morning on the news I saw where a bakery down the street was donating all of the proceeds from today to the Red Cross for Haiti. Since Emmy and I can't eat real live cupcakes from a real live bakery, we decided to surprise all the ladies at Ms Renee's dentist office. So after lunch, Emmy and I loaded up the girls and headed down the road. How fun was that. The ladies waiting for the dentist has just as much fun as we did. And the little girls really put on a show! How funny is this picture? We saved one cupcake for the girls. I cut it in fourths (hoping that I would get some icing on my fingers so I would have to lick it off) so the girls would gt a really bad sugar high. Doodles was all over it and probably would have eaten the entire cupcake by herself if we had let her. Ally on the other hand, not so much...not even a nibble. I think every crumb ended up on Doodles try, thanks to Allyson. It was a good day!


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