Great Aunt Jan...

I like the sound of that...Great Aunt Jan. This weekend, Sarah, Emmy and I went to WV to attend a shower for Tristan. Well, he hasn't been born yet but coming soon. Let me just be honest here...I did take one small bit of this beautiful cake. And it was well worth it. We got to play lots of very interesting games...Alex always does a great job. And you know if you are at Lisa's you will eat...and we ate well! I honestly don't think I could have eaten another shrimp.
Do these two look like they could possibly be great grandparents...Tristan will be their third. Terry, almost first time grandpa, tried to get in a little practice before the big day. So now we just have to wait. I can't wait to get my hands on that little thing! Hurry up and get here little buddy!


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