Busy Bee

What does a long distance phone call, some shared emails, Harley-Davidson, Pea Ridge Baptist Church and t-shirts have in common?

I got a text from Aunt Leigh Ann wanting to know if I would like to make some t-shirt quilts. Of course, did she even have to ask. Then I get some Face Book emails asking me the same thing. The answer, yes again. Then my life took a little turn and I ran into a new friend, Karen.

A few years ago Karen and her family lost a 9 year old child to an inoperable brain tumor. But out of that horrible event a lot of positive is taking place. Each year in the spring there is a Harley Ride that focuses on raising money for a chosen family...one who has a loved one undergoing cancer treatment. 100% of the proceeds go to the family to help with medical expenses. The ride concludes with an auction and some other activities. This year I will be making as many t-shirt quilts as I can from the two bags of shirts Karen has given me. I am told that the beginning bid starts at $1000. Holy Cow!

Go here to learn more about Luke, his family and the ride. (His sister developed the web site)


Jan said…
Holy Cow, indeed. That's a high minimum bid, but for a good cause.
Anonymous said…
Nice post and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you as your information.
Jan AKA Wammy said…
Dear Anonymous,
I'd love to know where and what college you are speaking of. And what assignment?

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