Our family and Sarah's good friend, Sarah, have all committed to use this year to make a change. Last Sunday we all weighted on the Wii and took starting pictures, (which no one will ever see!) and chipped in $20 each for a grand total of $100 for the person that loses the most %weight. We have started exercising...Mark braves the weather and walks the neighborhood. Michael and I use WiiFit Plus. And I am not to sure what the Sarah's are doing. I am cooking things from the South Beach Cookbook and the dLife Website. Everyone, except Michael and I, pack lunch. We will be weighing in every two weeks, hopefully reaching our goals. I will keep you a running total of the total of weight lost every two weeks. We have only changed three things in our lives...eating the right foods, drinking enough water, and getting some exercise everyday. The most amazing this is ....Michael has already lost 2 pounds!

This weekend will be a big test. Sarah, Emmy and I are going to WV for a baby shower...I am going to be a Great-Aunt. Mark and Michael will be holding down the fort and keeping track of the dogs. Wish us all luck. I love baby shower food! Get behind thee Satan!

Gotta go eat my 55 whole wheat goldfish and my 32 oz of water for my mid-morning snack.


The Oakes said…
Just tell dad and Michael as soon as you all walk out the door dial 347-1111. I won't say a word!!

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