What's A Wammy To Do?

I've been waiting for it. Preparing for it since last summer. I knew it was coming but I thought it would be yesterday when we had all the high winds. But Mother Nature had a different plan. Today, just before lunch, our power went out. First call to DUKE Energy to report the outage. Second and third calls...neighbors to report happenings. Fourth call...school to see if they had electric. The girls were supposed to have mac and cheese and hot dogs. Well, the mac and cheese didn't happen. The Pioneer Woman would be so proud of this Regular Joe Wammy. I got out the skewers and cook our hot dogs over the gas logs that were heating the family room. We had the rest of the lunches that were packed, along with some cheese and pretzels. Now what to do...gather up all the candles in the house, put batteries in the little lanterns and head for the basement where it would be a little warmer. To add a little more light I took the curtains out of the windows. We put out my Snuggie (yet another used, Aunt Leigh Ann) and had the rest of our milk. Then we got out all of the light up toys that we could find. The girls were cracking up! After playing everyone snuggled up with our favorite blankies and took a nap. I snuggled up with Ella, Marks warm quilt and a book by the fire. (It was already 66 degrees in the house). True to their word, DUKE had power on just before three o'clock. I had just enough time to crank up the furnace to get everything warm before the girls woke up after their naps.


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