An Update

Before I give you an update on Sarah Beth, I just feel that I need to share just a bit of her last entry on her Web page, LOVEYOURGUTS.COM

Sunday, November 08, 2009
I apologize that I haven't written on here in so long. It's just honestly I feel like I don't have anything of worth to say. But, I'm reminded that God created me. He created me for a reason and purpose. I had a really sad day last week. I'm not really sure why...maybe hormonal, maybe just the toll of life, i really don't know. I wanted to get on here and write, but I didn't want to just get on here and whine about things I shouldn't be worried about. But on that sad day, I got out of the shower, got dressed, and my friend Kristen who comes and stays with me (she's my "Sarah sitter") came in the room and saw me sobbing. I was sitting on my parents floor and she just sat down right with me and she just rubbed my back and asked what she could do. I said I just wanted to pray. So, right there on my parents floor we prayed to Jesus....crying the whole time (we're women!). Then I just could do nothing but praise God for surrounding me with christian friends and family who constantly remind me that I am somebody and that God has a plan for me. It's not my time to go yet, or I would be gone. So, until that time, I will live the same. Striving daily for holiness. It's a hard thing to do, but a pure blessing to do it. I honestly don't know how people make it without Christ in their lives.

I just got off the phone with Sarah Beth's Mom. She has surgery scheduled for Friday, December 18 around 8AM. The doctor will remove a tumor that is pressing on her motor cortex on the left side of her brain. This is a tumor they have been watching that is on the opposite side where the last surgery was preformed. Right now we need to pray that Sarah Beth gains strength. I really don't know what else that I an tell you that she hasn't already written about. Pray for the friends and family, physicians, nurses...anyone that will have anything at all to do with her care. She truly is my hero!


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