A Special Sleep Over

I don't know for how many years Emmy was a Nanny for these girls but I know that she 'knew' Grace before she was born and she is 4 now. Since graduating and getting a job in her field, we haven't seem much of the girls. So Emmy decided that we need a long overdue sleepover. Now I have to tell you that Michael has a thing about all girls and all things considered girlie. But he loves these two yahoos. He and Libby have always gotten along famously. And the sleepover was no exception. We cleared all the furniture away in the basement. Blew up the air mattresses. Gathered every quilt we could find and watched a movie...complete with tons of popcorn. We all finally fell asleep around midnight. What do you think we had for breakfast...monkey bread of course! I can tell you now that we plan to do this once a month. I don't know who missed who more. Grace tried the entire time she was here to literally crawl into Emmy;s skin. Libby and Michael started right were they left off. They have gotten taller. Libby's hair is shorter. Grace's speech has improved. And they are still as cute as ever! Can't wait until the next time they sleepover. (Thanks Mark for helping move all the furniture back)


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