Michael's Letter

To put it mildly, Michael very strongly doesn't like any part of writing anything. He gets in so much trouble at school because he sometimes (almost always) refuses to do the writing assignments. But the funny thing is...when he was tested a few months ago...writing was the highest score...go figure.Anyhoo...it is that time of year when little boys, who BELIEVE, write their letters to Santa. (At this time he also informed me that Emmy and Sarah didn't BELIEVE, but that he did). After much consideration this is his final draft...I don't know about your PO but ours is the best! Last year he wrote a letter to Santa and just put it in the mailbox...no stamp or nothing and a few days later a letter from Santa appeared in the mailbox for Michael with a candy cane. So we will wait patiently checking the mailbox everyday to see if Santa replies again this year. Wouldn't you love to have that job?


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