Jump Zone

Did we discover the best place in the world to burn off sugar highs! The Jump Zone. We asked Michael what he wanted to do for his birthday...without a doubt, no question...he answered Jump Zone with the biggest smile I have even seen. So we made a date with the boys...Luke and Skyler for Friday night. Everyone got off the school bus and raced to the front door. What to do for two hours with three boys that are about to come out of their skin with excitement? JUMP ZONE, of course! The doors opened at 5PM and we were there at 5:03. Before anyone did anything we had to go over the rules...Wammy's Rules...they know them already.I think I counted ten big and small blow up pumping things. The boys certainly tried everyone of them out (except the girlie ones) at least 100 times. I would see them as a blur as they ran past. We only had one bloody nose and one time out and just a few tears.
Of course there was pizza.
Plenty of drinks to go around a few times.
We got thumbs up from everyone. So Ellis and Alaire bring some clean socks and lots of energy because your next trip here we are going to Jump Zone.


The Oakes said…
We will be there! Love that last picture of the three amigos.

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