Another Year Come and Gone

Today Michael turned 8...going on 12. We asked him what he would like to have for his birthday dinner...' I choose pizza rolls or sloppy Joe's or choose Mom'. And you know I chose steak. While Mark and I were putting the lights on the house, Michael decided that he would go ahead and eat his dinner...leftover 'stickie chicken' from Wal-Mart and some Mozzarella sticks that were also leftovers. After dinner we had cake that he designed all by himself..well, maybe the lady at Kroger helped a little...chocolate cake, chocolate icing with purple writing and 8 blue candles. Exactly what he ordered. Only one thing...if you can...check the spelling of his name. Oh well, he never noticed. Happy Birthday little buddy.


The Oakes said…
he looks quite pleased with himself!

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