Angels All Around

Emmy and I arrived in Huntington at the hospital well after Sarah Beth's surgery had started. The waiting room was filled with friends and family all silently praying that the doctors and nurses that were caring for Sarah Beth would be able to give her their A game. The surgery went quick and as well as they expected. The doctor feels that he was able to remove all the cancer cells that he could see. Now we just have to wait and work really hard at recovery and rehab. Aunt Kate and I set up our quilts and pillows in front of the window in the ICU waiting room so we could watch the snow fall during the night. And a long night it was...those small wooden chairs aren't the best places to try to get some much needed sleep. But we survived as we always do with stories of when our kids were little, of old friends we hardly ever see, catching up on family know all those things that you just naturally talk about. Friday morning found us tired and sore. Sarah Beth was slowing coming out of anesthesia and complaining of severe headache. Getting her pain under control seems to be the main objective for several days. I was able to meet three of her doctors...all of which I think very highly. They really seems to care about her not only as a patient but as a young woman who is a definite fighter. Actually the staff on the Oncology floor seem to have been going above and beyond the call of duty caring for her. A very caring and compassionate staff...from the head nurses to the housekeeping staff. These shots of Emmy and Sarah Beth are'nt the greatest in the world...we kept the blinds closed and the lights off because of her headache and they were taken with my phone. Emmy was able to get her to eat and talk more than just about anyone. Aunt Kate and I even got kicked out of her club a few times. She offered to pay Emmy big bucks to stay and take care of her. She even offered to give her a room at the house if she would just stay. Last night before we left to come home, Emmy was showing her some things on the computer...little did Sarah Beth realize but she was sitting up and turning in her bed...I'd say that was some pretty sweet PT!
I am praying that she will be able to be at home for Christmas. I pray that she works really hard during PT so she will gain some strength in her body.

If you would like to send her a card of encouragement...her hospital address is

Sarah Beth Napier
c/o St Mary's Medical Center
Room #6164
2900 First Avenue
Huntington, WV 25702

Yep, she's my hero! And I am happy to be a prayer warrior for her.


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