The Big Race

I got this little tidbit in an email yesterday. I am ready for whatever Mother Nature throws at us tomorrow. Hat, gloves, slimes, water resistant hooded jacket, windbreakers pants, warm socks. The forecast so far is mostly cloudy, 30% chance of showers (they were talking snow yesterday), high in the 40's, 10-15 mph winds with gusts up to 25mph. I only hope that wind is to my back.

Runners and Walkers Make 10k Race Biggest in World on Holiday

Congratulations 'Healthy Cincinnati'!

The numbers are huge. The excitement is breathtaking. The fun is overwhelming; and, the race hasn't even started yet.

The 100th is going to exceed 17,000 people, making Cincinnati's Race the largest in the world on Thanksgiving Day. What a huge footprint in Cincinnati history!


Anonymous said…
That is awesome! Looking forward to walking with you tomorrow, my dad is joining us. See you in the morning, all bundled up!

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