No Harvest Moon

Once again the clouds covered the moon. We had gone back to the Planetarium to have a glance at the Harvest Moon thru the big telescopes and dinner on the lawn. Another heavy blanket of clouds. Nate decided it would be cool to strike a pose.
All Michael wanted to do was get out of the hot van and roll in the cold grass...not a great thing for him to be doing. Emmy, Nate and Michael were having all kind of races and I was trying to figure out how to take actions shots in the dark. All of a sudden I hear a two pumpkins rolling into each was two heads making direct contact. I thought we were going o have to roll Emmy back to the car. Nate's head is so hard (he's in Middle School) that it didn't bother him at all . We googled moons and found out there are many different moons...Next month there will be another Harvest Moon...another try...Then there was this great 'photo shoot'. As you can see Michael was totally disgusted and Emmy and Nate thought it was hilarious. Oh my...are they singing songs from 'The Wizard of Oz'? They tried to teach Michael the official Oz walk. He wasn't interested at all.

Guess we will ba back in a month to try again.


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