Quick Trip

Michael and I had to make a quick trip to Huntington after our Mexican dinner (yes Cassie, we had authentic Mexican at Cazadore's). Peep had spent sometime in the ER and came out diagnosed with Viral Meningitis. I wasn't real sure the Michael with all his problems this time of year, should be around him too much. So he stayed down with Mamaw and Papaw.
He had everything he needed...backpack full of clothes..check, red art box full of activities...check...pocket full of Leggos for creating...check, and library book under his arm for school reading...check.
Peep found him an old microscope. He is thrilled...we had a chance to look at one of his pirate coins up close and personal. It now resides on the center of his desk in his room.
This is the craziest cherry tomato plant. There are literally thousands of little ripe cherry tomatoes. My Dad hasn't planted a cherry tomato plant in this spot for years. They just volunteer to come up every year. I picked all the tomatoes I could find. My Dad them added some cabbage, an apple and orange and some mighty fine homemade tomato juice.
Sunday afternoon just before leaving to come back home I sent Micahel down to the Black's to pick some apples. No luck they were all on the ground and the bees were having a good old time. You won't catch me down there with all those bees...my epipen has expired!
Oh no, look it is Michael coming over the hill yet again. I think this time he wanted a snack to eat. I think right after this Michael and I had to give Papaw a lesson on how to make spaghetti and meatballs...according to our home calendar it was Italian Night.
Look what Peep found for me! It is the biggest stone ever! Emmy helped me get it out of the car and put it in the ground ths morning. Looks great in the front yard.


The Oakes said…
Love the shot of him on the crest of the hill. Next step.... over the hill at dark..... is he brave enough?
Sabrina said…
I can't believe you came to Huntington and didn't take my windows!! Our garage is full of old windows for the family collector, LOL.

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