Oh, Those Lashes

Back to school for everyone(except for the HS senior/college freshman)and I think we are into our routine now. Things are going well. Little Ms M comes in the door, Michael gets up. Michael goes out the door. Alyson comes in. We play. We take walks. We nap. Seems we do a lot of eating. We tell Ella "NO". We share. We do all those things that babies do. We wait for the bus. We wave at everything that moves. We swing. We have a great time.

And guess who has discovered her tongue?

Needed to give Little Ms M some blog time. I took these at lunch the other day. Look at those blue eyes and those georgeous eyelashes. They are about the first shorts of her that haven't been blurry. She moves so fast. She is jsut like her Daddy...always on the go.

And I am still learning how to use my new camera. (A Nikon D5000 SLR...like know what that means.) I'm not really sure what I am doing but I sure do look good doing it! Mark hooked me up with some classes. Just wait until I think I know what I am talking about.


amanda Ellison said…
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amanda Ellison said…
Hello Jan, Its Amanda (Marli's Aunt and Trevor's sister)! I just wanted to say thanks for putting up pictures and the info about what is going on. I love to read through and read all about the fun you guys are having! It makes me miss her but I'm glad she is getting to spend time with you and I know she loves it! Enjoy your time with Marli, I'm already counting down till Thanksgiving when I get to come home and see her!


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