Indian Night

This morning before Michael went off to catch the bus we were on the computer looking for simple Indian meals. We found a drink to serve with our dinner tonight...who would think of apple cider? Certainly not me. But Michael was all for that. He and Emmy bought a half gallon at the store last night. He was all over that!
Long Grain Brown Rice with Sesame Chicken. If you want the recipe I can send it to you. But I must tell you that it is HOT. Well, for me it was hot. Michael ate one bite of chicken and thought he was on fire. We wasn't too thrilled about dinner. Emmy and I both liked it. She didn't feel it was too hot, but she eats Indian food all the time. Dessert...Strawberry Mousse. Who would have thought this either? But I can just tell you that it is so very, very simple that I plan on making every kind of mousse that there is a Jello flavor for. All it takes is whipping cream, some sugar, fresh fruit and Jello. Michael gives the dessert a thumbs up. Let me just say that Mark better hurry up and get home because that mousse is calling my name really loud. I want to lick the dish clean. Oh man is that stuff good!

According to Michael and the Official Fridge Calendar tomorrow night...Mexican. Wonder if Cazadore's will deliver?


The Oakes said…
Yeah, you should check in to Cazadores delivery. I mean you want it to be authentic if he is going to learn anything!

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