The Engagement Party

I have tried several different photo download places and nothing works today. I hope that it is just me being impatient. I wanted so much to share all the pictures from the party but I can't. So you will get a few highlights of families, food and friends.Sorry guys, but with the addition of Tini... we out number you all. Girls Rule and Boys Drool!Looks like with Bryce as addition to Tini's family things are pretty even. Bryce planned this whole thing...with the help of friends and Tini's sisters. Tini was surprised to see all of us. We even had a champagne toast.It was great to see Bryce's friends from way back in the day.Tini was excited to see her friends too. She specifically asked for this shot to be taken.And of course everyone wanted to see Tini's ring...and she was glad to show it off. I think she likes it!And food...well...Montgomery Inn, of course!

From what I understand, planning is already underway for the big day, sometime in September of next year.


Jan said…
How exciting. Looks like a fabulous day.

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