EMPS #55...Bugs

Seems like I have been away forever...more like all summer. Now that school is back in, the little girls are back, Mark is working and the big girls go to work everyday...maybe now, just maybe, I can get back into the EMPS and Round Robin Photo Challenges each week. And maybe throw in a GAG once a month.. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

BUGS...Ants, Cockroaches, Beetles, Sow Bugs, Earwigs, Pincher Bugs, Bees, Wasps, Fire Flies, Snails, Slugs, Banana Slugs, Spiders, Scorpions... no matter who you are, one of these things probably BUGS you. So, grab your cameras this week, and photograph the BUG and share it with us!Extra Credit: Show us your BUG using the macro setting on your camera.

Just so happens that today I found two insects on the flowers I was trying to shoot. Perfect timing I would say.

I'm still trying to figure out all the bells and whistles that go with my new camera. I think the shots came out okay. Tomorrow is another day. More practicing. Maybe my 'homeowrk' cd will come in the mail tomorrow. Do I get any kind of extra credit?


Carly said…
Hi Wammy

Oh my, very nicely done. :) I especially liked the bottom photo, it has such a lovely soft focus on it. It's just beautiful.

Suzanne R said…
Excellent pictures! Wish I could have gotten such great ones but mine were just kind of mediocre. But they were of a bug! LOL!
Jama said…
I like the second picture, amazingly beautiful.
Liz said…
My eyes were drawn to the fantastic lines of the first insect that seemed to be dancing over the flower. The second photograph held my attention for much longer, as I was drawn into the whole wonderful picture.
Mike said…
Nice shots. The top bug looks very odd. Not sure I've seen one like it before.

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