Country Living Fair...Part Two

Crafts...I am always on the look out for things to do...ideas for the yard and ideas for our articles for DIY NZ. There were so many things to choose from. I am narrowing it down to a few of my favorites. I noticed these scarecrows over in a corner stuck way back behind a bunch of stuff. I thought they were really cute. And we have a naked scarecrow. What also caught my eye was that the fabric they were using to make the clothes...I have been quilting with some of it. Nice flannel. I'm not to sure I would use $8 a yard flannel for something for the garden. But they were sure darn cute. I loved this and I know I will try to duplicate it. I wish I could have gotten a better shot but there were signs requesting that we take no pictures. Ooops! Now I am on the lookout for old quilt tops or old quilts that I can cut up. There were famous quotes hand back stitched on each quilt and then buttons and beads for embellishments. They also included a picture that laid right on top of the fabric. I think I might try to figure out a way to print the picture and then stitch it on the quilt top. They were really nice...$190.00 nice! Chalkboard paint on cute is that? You can use real pumpkins or those Styrofoam one that you can get at the craft stores. If you have some chalk you are set. One lady suggested that you use them at Halloween and then again at Thanksgiving. Just erase the words and write new ones. How fun is that. They also had some garden lanterns like Michael and I have made for DIY NZ. They spray theirs all different colors. We talked for a long time and I told her about the magazine. She gave me her card with a website that has more craft ideas and a $10 gift certificate to Lowe's. (from Rust-Oleam). Now that was sweet! Does anyone recognize this quilt pattern? You should is Drunkard's Path from the Underground Railroad. I have to say that this was the most challenging quilt that I have ever attempted. Their display looked quite nice. You may have to click on this shot to make it larger so you can actually see what it is. I think these are the greatest. They will look even better with Emmy;s fancy cupcakes on them. An old dinner plate with a turned up glass with a stem. On top of that a smaller salad plate with another upside down goblet with a small saucer on top....a cupcake, small sandwich holder. I love it! I am wondering if we could somehow make some of these and use them at the shower for Bryce and Tini? This shot is for you Ms Renee and's a craft we can do with the boys for Halloween. The lady even told me how we could make them into ghosts. They are way too cute and I know they would look great hanging on our porches next month. What do you think? I feel a party coming on.


The Oakes said…
that drunkards path looks a little bit different than mine. maybe it is just b/c I look at mine so close all of the time.

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