Country Living Fair...Part Three

Artisans...Everywhere you turned there was someone doing something. Lines and waiting three to five people deep. There was so much to learn and so little time. The rag rug maker. I think I might just have enough strips of fabric left over from a few quilts to start putting one of these together. I wonder how long it takes to finish one? I should have asked. The colors she was using were right up my alley and would look perfect in the kitchen. We were going to come back to her and check out the frames and her progress but never did make it back...darn it.I am telling you they had everything! We barely got to visit here. It was beginning to get late so we only stopped for a moment. Her things were beautiful and she seemed to have a lot of fun making them. I liked the way she interacted with all the people in the crowd. Very personable.I could sit all day in the shade and listen to this guy hammer on his dulcimer. His name is Kyle Meadows...with a last name like that he can't be all that bad, can he? I could kick myself because I didn't buy a CD because Playlist doesn't have anything listed for him and I wanted to put some hammer dulcimer on as music while you read all the Country Living Fair blog entries.Seems no matter where we go something is coming up out of the ground. This was a really nice fenced in garden. There were men and women working in period clothes tending to the garden with tools that would have been used back then. The vegetables look great and I didn't see not one weed, anywhere, and I really looked.

That was just a very few shots of all that was going on 'craft' wise. I really need to take one day for looking. One day for shooting pictures. And then the last day shopping for all those special unique things that would when you saw them in the garden or the house...make you say out loud ..."Hmmm, what a great idea." There is always next year.


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