Country Living Fair...Part One

Last weekend Mark tried to surprise me with a trip out of town to the Country Living Fair. I had seen it advertised in a magazine months ago and just kinda forgot about it with everything else that is going on. But he twisted my arm and we left early on Saturday morning and drove to Columbus and stayed until Sunday morning. (All the time we were gone, Emmy was holding down the fort which basically was being nurse maid to a sick little boy). Back to the Fair. I love the magazine...Country Living. My Mom and I used to get it and we would call each other and say "Look on page 10, I think you could do that at your house." Or "Look at all those birdhouses they have hanging in the house." All those things that you see in the magazine were here...and them some. I heard someone say that there were over 700 vendors. You would need more than a weekend to see them all. I thought I was walking thru the pages of the magazine. Everywhere you looked it looked even better. I wish now that I had taken this shot from top to bottom. The sun was sitting it just right and the colors were so vivid. I tried to take pictures of things that we might be able to do around our yard and maybe even in the house. This watering can...filled with really pretty weeds. We might have to put Michael out in the barn....Why can't our decorations look like this when we try so hard to make them look like this? Someone has a eye for decorating and tons of things to do it with. I guess I am going to have to start growing gourds and hay...or is it straw? I wish I had taken more shots of the historical village. The buildings were so awesome. I could have lived in the little town way back when. Can't you just see me with a bonnet and long dress with two or three kids in tow? I loved all this stuff. I loved the lighting. I loved the little building. I just loved it all.

All the above stories and pictures were taken right inside the front gate. We have yet to really begin to get into all the stuff. Stay tuned for Part Two....Part Three...Part Four...


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