It's Finally Here...

The first day of school. YEA! Oh how I love this can see me doing the Happy Dance at the bus stop. Not that I am sending Michael out on his own to a place where someone else will have to listen to him and answer all his questions. Or to that place where he hopefully will meet new friends. I'm happy that the bus stop is at the end of the driveway and across the street. I excited that we have a ton of new kids on the bus. I'm thrilled that I can take the girls on walks between naps. Speaking of naps...I might just take a few this year. I'm just excited to see what the second grade has to offer.

Last night before going to bed Michael decided that he needed to make his teacher a gift. When Michael is going to make something, he first makes a drawing of it. Then he goes to his closet in the basement and brings out all of his 'recycled items'. Last night he made a lighthouse. Don't know why, didn't ask. But he just knew his new teacher would love to have one on the first day of school. (That's it in the plastic bag). I emailed her to give her a little bit of a heads up so she could tell him how much she appreciated his thoughtfulness in making her a lighthouse.

Okay back to this morning. 7:05AM Micheal is in the kitchen dressed, bed made and ready for breakfast which he tells me should be a PBJ. 7:10AM , with lunch bag in his hand, he heads outside to sit on the front porch to wait for the bus. (a 45 minute wait) He decides to go to almost the end of the driveway to wait. Others finally start coming to the bus stop. They came from everywhere. We have two new families and siblings of some of the regulars. There were cameras everywhere. Grandma and grandpas, aunts and uncles, dogs, babies...we were just have a Happy First Day of School Party right there in the middle of the street. Looks like it was a long hot day. But a good day. No phone call from the school. No nosebleeds. No bully on the bus. It's all good. Except for one thing...his lunch bag is already finding a new home in the lost and found bin. Tomorrow we buy lunch. And they only had one recess...can you imagine!


The Oakes said…
He looks like he is going to kill someone in that last picture.
Jan AKA Wammy said…
That would be me...I am not supposed to be taking pictures! Oh well, what's a Mom to do!

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