Marathon Gardening Day
We have been putting this off for months...well at least while we were waiting for the grasses to grow. 90 degree heat and humidity that was unbelievable...we moved I think seven of the grasses. They were about a big around as a garbage can and about as tall as Mark. And when they touch your felt like an itchy paper cut. I was dressed for the occasion...long sleeved t-shirt and long scrubs and gloves. Topping off the gardening ensemble...a pink bandanna tied up around my hair to keep it off my neck and the sweat out of my eyes. You will never ever see a pictures of that on the blog! We couldn't see the flowers for all the grasses. They make a nice privacy fence if they are in the right place. We are this far. Another weekend and I think we will have them all moved. They transplanted I just need to remember to water them really good everyday. I am sure that Mark will remind me. After all that sweat I will definitely remember...all that work for nothing...not going to happen. The big grass right in the front will be moved when my neighbor decides he is ready for it to be in his yard. It is the least I can do...he is supplying our vegetables this summer from his wonderful garden. We will be tilling up the rock hard dirt and transplanting some cone flowers and daisies we started from seed later in the year. I'll keep you up to date as time goes by. It could be awhile so be patient.