Last Few Hours

That title needs to be sounds awfully death rowish or something. I always hate the last days someone is with us. But I will have you know we packed it in again. I was hoping that everyone would sleep in so I could get breakfast ready. No such luck...Alaire was up bright and early and outside in the sunshine. Look at that wind blown look.
The shirtless wonder was out swinging and pumping for all he was worth. He swings better than Michael does.
Ellis enjoyed the garden more than anyone I think. He was into picking whatever was ready. This morning he picked peas. Cassie had to assist because he just wanted to pick all of them even if they weren't ready to eat.
Never one to be left out...and she is not the least bit shy to let you know just what she wants and just how she wants it.
Ellis seemed to always have a handful of peas. I'm telling you that these peas are the sweetest one that you will ever eat.
Alaire loves the front porch swing. After our harvesting we ate the rest of the peas on the front porch swing. I think she chewed up more than she actually ate.
I can't decide if Ellis thought these peas might be really small green corn on the cobs.
Nothing like an early morning ride. Ellis wanted so much to ride Michael's little bike.
And watch him go. And off he went in a blaze! He told me right after this ride that when he got home he would ride his bike with the training wheels. Little does he know that Auntie Em is going to take his training wheels off the first thing when they get there.
These are the faces/expressions of Ellis when he is telling a good one.
The chalk queen lives. Our green chairs are now rainbow green chairs. I love em...hope it doesn't rain anytime soon.
What do you think might be going thru his little head?
Well, here we all are packed in the van like sardines going to the Indy Airport. And we picked up Mark at work to ride along with us. Oh, what family fun. We needed Sarah and Bryce to complete the picture.


alex :) said…
emmy cracks me up in this picture! haha

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