Card Request

I know that I depend on my blogging buddies maybe way too much but I know that you are there reading the blogs and that you have sent cards to my family members on several occasions. I have another request. This time it is for our very dear and sweet Doris. Let me introduce her. When we first moved to Cincinnati way back was our first move away from home, family and friends. We started going to Mt Washington Baptist Church and Doris and Ernie took the Cassie and Emmy as their own. Later the 'adopted' the rest of our kids. But they first became Prayer Warriors for the girls. Ernie and Doris would take the girls out to dinner at places we would never know fancy kind of places. They would always ask if they needed anything. When the girls went away to college, Doris and Ernie kept in touch and I think they may have supported them a little financially too. Doris was always on some committee at church. Whenever I needed anything she was right there. Ernie kept us in stitches. A few years back while we were still in WI, Ernie passed away and Doris was left with a huge void. In steps Ruby. Ruby and Doris have been fast friends...I call them The Snoop Sisters. A lot of people call them Thelma and Louise. Doris's son, Ron, became ill and just recently passed away. Ruby and others were there for her. Dori's health hasn't been good. Ruby brought her home from the hospital the last time to her place to care for her dear friend. I talked to Betsy and she had talked to Ruby...Doris has had to go live at the Nursing/Rehab Home because of her congestive heart failure condition. Ruby is deeply concerned about her dear friend. Ruby seems to think that Doris has just given up. So much heart ache over the last few years is starting to take a toll on her body.

All of that said, I am hoping that you can take a little time to send her some words of encouragement. Any encouragement might just put the kick back in Doris's step and get her on the road to recovery.

Doris Cole
c/o The Anderson
Room #610B
8139 Beechmont Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45255

Thank you for awlways being there and willing to send encouragemnt to the ones I love.


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