Yard Attractions

There are so many things going on in the yard right now it is hard to try to keep up. We try to do our best. Monday night is Garbage Picking Night. For all of you that don't know, Garbage Pickin is when you drive around in a truck/van and check out the garbage that everyone has put out for trash day the next morning. Mark and I took about a hour one night after dinner just before dark and hit the surrounding streets. On our last curve Mark spied this old birdhouse, complete with bird nests. With a new minor repairs it now sits on the rose trellis waiting for some roses to appear. Not this year I don't think. The beautiful climber that had made its way to the top of the trellis didn't make it thru the winter. Another wheel barrow has been added to the yard. Daniel, a long time friend and Dewey and Betsy's oldest son, has been saving it for me. Sunday we went by to check out the progress on his house and it was waiting for me under the big sycamore tree. I just love it and think I found the most perfect spot. I have a blogging friend in Ontario,Canada , Melissa who writes The Empress of Dirt. She has the most incredible pictures. Most of them contain great gardening ideas. Just last week I found this on her blog. So I almost tackled Mark when he got home from work two night ago and made him (asked him very nicely) if he could hook me up. Of course he did. He didn't even go in to change clothes. Just got right to it. I love it. I was in the driveway talking to Ms Renee and Luke yesterday when I say this Northern Flicker taking a nap in the sun. Seriously, his eyes were closed. I cleared my throat several times and he finally work up. He just hopped up higher in the tree. I love the lace like pattern that these little worms are leaving. I just wish they would chew on something other that our hollyhocks. We have worked so hard to get them to bloom. Mark took care of them. Don't think they will be back anytime too soon. They are probably still coughing that white powered stuff he put on the leaves. Die suckers! oops, sorry. I got a little carried away there.

So flowers aren't the only things that are happening in the yard. I just wish our gardens could look like some of those we saw on Sunday. Before we left I loved our garden and wanted to show it off to just about anyone that even looked our way. Now I just want to hide it for about 10 years until it matures. Only seven to go...I hope I am here to enjoy it. Seems like such a long time...and besides we aren't spring chicken anymore.


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