The Wheels On The City Bus

Today is a day that Ellis and Alaire won't soon forget. Ellis decided that this trip to the big city...Uncle Bryce would take him for a bus ride. Today was the day. We picked up Bryce downtown and drove to Mariemont. He figured some of the characters that wait at the bus stop in the middle of town would, let's just say, well, they are very colorful.Sun shining and children waiting for Uncle Bryce. Oh, the joy of small things.
What a great day to be waiting in the sun. Doesn't look like they mind it at all.

Can't you just read his mind..."I must be crazy!"
While waiting we had to check out everything on wheels that went by.
95 degrees so the boys opted to stand in the shade while Alaire watched for the 'city bus'.
Just a little playtime on the bench close to the street...enough to give Wammy a heart attack.
Finally able to get on. There was a lady bus driver that was grinning from ear to ear. Only one other passenger on the entire bus. What a playground!
End of the line. I think they want to go again tomorrow.

Cassie will have all the pictures and stories about the actual ride inside the 'city bus' on her blog a little later.


oma said…
It's the simple pleasures of life that make the biggest impressions! I'm sure Ellis will remember his bus ride... Alaire.... not so much. Have to do it all over again when she's 3 1/2! (Ellis DOES look like he's thinking those every words! LOL) Know you're having a blast while they are in Cinci! So did we!
Kathy said…
this is funny. this is actually something on our "to do" list for this summer! My kids are dying to ride the city bus. I kinda want nate to go though..some of our busgoers here tend to be a bit shady.but of course the kids think it is only for the rich!

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