RRPC...Looking Up

Our challenge this time comes from Robinella... Looking Up!" Pretty simple concept, grab your cameras, point them toward the sky, and snap, snap, snap! Birds, Bees, Trees, Airplanes, Blimps, Road Signs, Billboards, Satellite Dishes, Grain Silos, the list of possible subjects is endless. On the other hand, maybe you prefer to shoot something representational of the idea of "Looking Up!" In that case, you might photograph something that inspires a motivational mood in you. Something positive that makes you feel like things are LOOKING UP. It's up to you to interpret the meaning. Just have fun with it.This is not a fancy shot or anything that would win any prizes, not even very colorful but I think a little interesting. Last weekend we went on a Garden Tour. In one garden there was a huge log with mushroomie type things grwoing on it. The pic I took just looking down at themwas boring. Then I remembered the Round Robin. So I got down on all fours (hopefully while no one was looking) and too this shot. Then I jsut forgot about it until yesterday when I was out in the backyard while I was moving some bricks. I almost stepped on a little toad. For some reason this shot ran through my head. So, I am wondering is this what everything looks like if you are a toad? I guess you are always looking up.

Check out the other creative camera shots. I think this one is goin to be real interesting.


Gattina said…
A very special picture, looks as if they wood has a hole !
ellen b. said…
Good for you for getting on all fours for a photo. I've been tempted to lay on my back for some :0)
Linda Judd said…
GREAT perspective on this one. I applaud you for getting down on your hands and knees. If I'd have done that, I'd still be there! Ha!
betty said…
what a good idea this was to think of life looking up as a toad; I like your picture; I bet the Garden Tour was fun to go on.

thanks for the comment on my Round Robin too!

I hope you/family have a good day

Anonymous said…
Brilliant POV (point of view).

Thanks for getting on all fours for us to take this interesting pic. Praise the Lord you didn't step on the toad!

I await your comment too, do drop by.

Have a good weekend. Well done.
It would have been fun taking a picture of you taking that shot :)

I played too :)
Linda said…
Great viewpoint!
Carly said…
Hi Wammy :)

Neat! And nice observation about the little toad. :) Gosh it must seem like a giant world to the little creatures. I am only 4 ft 11, so I can identify with the toad. LOL. Lovely picture. Well done.

Carly :)
Steven said…
I'm always intrigued when the trees open up and there is a gap. Makes for good light around the edges of the clearing below. Very nice!
Suzanne R said…
Very interesting perspective -- I doubt I would have thought to photograph from the toad's point of view. Good job!
Martha said…
Not a bad shot at all and anything lacking was definitely made up for in your cute entry anyway :-)
Anonymous said…
My mouse and your toad ~ of course we are giants to them ~ so I wonder why we are scared of them eh! Loved your tree picture and sometimes I too wonder what people think of me taking pictures from funny places and positions!
Joanna said…
I like the toad's eye view too. Plus I enjoyed your previous post about the garden tour. They are so inspiring. Thanks for visiting my blog.
MyMaracas said…
Now that's going the extra mile. Great perspective!
Irene said…
Erm, I could just imagine you getting down on fours to do this. Interesting toad perspective! Thanks for your visit.
Anonymous said…
I like that you're wondering if that's what a toad would see looking up!!!! Cool pic!

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