A Quick Visit

Mark warned them that if I had my camera that their picture would be on the blog. These are our friends from Richmond, Va...Reed and Liz. We go way back to college days at Marshall. Someone figured out that we haven't seen each other for over 25 years. But I can tell you that neither one of them has changed one bit. Reed still cracks me up and Liz is a sweet as ever! They had a four hour layover in Cincinnati so we met them for dinner and then we took Michael to watch the planes take-off and land. It was great seeing them and catching up with what the kids are doing and what friends from high school are up to these days. And believe me, Liz somehow knows it all. Hopefully some time this summer we can get together again 'cause it sure was fun!


Temp said…
What lovely friends you have, Jan!
Reed and Liz look like an ideal couple.

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