Look Mom...

Sarah was up bright and early this morning and off to her SAT test. When Mark came back from dropping her off he decided that we should take the morning and check out as many yard sales as we could before Sarah called to be picked up. So we loaded in the van, Mark, Emmy, Michael and I and we were off....right up the street we ran into our first house. By the looks of all they had to sell...everything in the house...we think maybe they were trying very hard to sell what they could to be able to stay in their house. It just so happens that Mark looked at this house when he was house hunting a few years ago while I was still in WI. It has a great three tiered deck that runs into the woods complete with a creek. Anyway, we ended up with a twin Graco stroller for $20. I will be using it in the fall while my girls come, Allyson and Marley. It is really nice and all spic and span now... ready for our first walk around the neighborhood. We also found Ellis a Denver Broncos helmet. And Mark got a steal on a saw that he has been wanting/needing. Father's Day came a little early for him this year. We hit a few more and one barn sale. I thought we were going to be able to find tons of treasures...but nothing worth anything...except Michael did find this "old time computer". Yep, that's exactly what he said. We were in a little bit of a hurry, Emmy had a baby shower that she had to get ready for. We made one final stop because Michael's three dollars were about to burn a hole in his pocket. He found a squeakier dog toy for Ella for 50 cents. He was so excited. She chewed it apart in about five minutes. But it was a good day all around.
Sarah has her ACT testing next week and I think Mark is scheduled to be off...maybe our luck will change and we will be able to find treasures for the yard. I'll keep you posted.


The Oakes said…
sounds fun! our neighborhood had their yard sale today but we had ShareFest at church so we missed out.

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