Large Item Pick-Up Night

OH MY GOODNESS...tonight was so much fun...but I think I was the only one in the van that thought so. FYI...Emmy told me about LIPU last year. A town near us has several days of large item pick-up nights. Tonight was the first night for us. I drug Emmy, Michael and Mark along. And if you are ever in town when it happens, just be prepared to go. It is so much fun. I just need a bigger vehicle. The idea is that families place their large items out the night before the trash truck comes. Then we (garbage pickers, dumpster divers) drive around and check out all the things that are by the street. Our first stop, we hit the jackpot...two windows! As you can see, all my helpers wouldn't get out of the van to help. I was so excited about finding the windows I really didn't care. They are gold in my book. We called Cassie to tell her that when she is her to plan on coming with us...her remark, 'I hope it rains next weekend'. Michael was finally getting into it...when ever he spotted something he would yell...'Junk Alert'. We were cracking up. He was just a little upset that we weren't able to find him something. Oh, just you wait buddy, we have a few more trips to take to Maderia. Here are all our treasures for our first night at LIPU...a great red wooden chair that now sits proudly on Ms. Renee's front porch (she's going with us the next time), a mirror that I have been looking for forever, 3 various sizes of windows, a great screen door, and a wooden ladder. Now I know that I am going to be up all night figuring out what to do with all this great stuff. I hope tomorrow morning comes early!


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