
After dinner last night we decided...Cassie's choice...to make our way in a very cramped van to the Cincinnati Nature Center. When Cassie, Emmy, and Bryce were little we used to always go there to hike...to wear Bryce out. It still does the trick but on the oldest hikers this time. (Joy, we kept talking about the times we would go hiking with you all..and Mark's famous 'trip'.)
The first thing I saw was a family of raccoons having dinner at the bird feeder. No one else was as impressed as I was. Cassie and Mark were arguing which way we should go.
Hardest thing for me to do was not pick the flowers. I wanted so much to dig some up for our yard. But that was against all the rules.
The trails were nice and wide and mulched with some fine stuff. No roots to trip on or rocks to make you slide.
We decided to try to get a family shot before it go to dark. This was one of the shelters on the lake. I think it turned out pretty good.
We had to get one shot with Wammy and Pappy. If you look really, really close with one eye shut you might be able to see the two deer that were watching us. We tried to take pictures of them but it was too dark. All you can see is their shining eyes and they look pretty scary!
This boardwalk around the lake was really nice. We were able to see fish, frogs, turtles and something that swam right to us and then ducked under the water. It looked like a torpedo. We didn't stay here too long, we all were afraid that Ellis and Alaire might fall in even if we had a death grip on them.
At the end of the trail there was a section of a cleared wooded area for kids. Ellis found this giant spider web. A little tough to climb.
And after a tough hike for those little legs, what does a girl want but some Superman ice cream.
How hot does Ellis look? But I am sure that his cotton candy ice cream cooled him off really fast. So if you are ever in Cincinnati for an extend stay with us...expect to go on a hike...Bresson's when are you coming down?


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