Frontier Days Parade

Tonight right after Mark walked in the door, we raced right back out with chairs in hand. Tonight was the Annual Frontier Days Parade in downtown. I think everyone in a 50 mile radius was thee and all their aunts, uncles and cousins three time removed. Get the picture. Now we have been to some pretty god parades in WI and this one ranks right up there with all of those. I would hate for you to miss out on all of our fun...
Our Town Crier...seriously he calls the town to attention...God Bless America.
This was my favorite...this lady in 103 years old and bowls on the Wii everyday.

The calliope that sounds just like the one on the Delta Queen I remember from my childhood days on the banks of the Ohio River.

jail wagon

an old Kroger delivery wagon

Oh I forgot to tell you...Sarah is doing the summer camp thing again this year. They walked in the parade.

I think you will thank me later for not posting all the shots I took. This post would go on for months. We did have fun. People watching was great. Michael danced but then he hid from all the clowns including Ronald McDonald. It was a fun way to start off the summer.


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