A First

I never dreamed in the wildest of my dreams that Michael, the OCD, very structured, always the same, blows a gasket when things are not the same...would ever LOVE sushi. Emmy took the 'children' out for sushi tonight. Mark and I stayed home and had a regular dinner of pork chops glazed with herbs from the garden, peas (not from the garden, darn it) and scalloped potatoes..which Mark said were the best ever. All day Michael was waiting for Emmy to come. He worn his Mario shirt because 'he didn't any Japanese shirts'. Crack me up...it's a Thai restaurant. Emmy ordered for everyone. But Michael pointed at the picture of the shrimp that he wanted.

ginger, shrimp tempura, yellow tail roll, rainbow roll, and wasabi

shrimp nigeri


He didn't like the yellow tail roll. But boy did he love the shrimp. So much so that they had to order two orders of it.He is a $3.00 piece of shrimp that ended up on the floor because Michael insisted on using the chopsticks. He even brought chopsticks home so he could use them next week.


The Oakes said…
You should have let Em be your guest blogger. I love the last picture she got! Glad the shirt worked for him too!
Jan AKA Wammy said…
CaAs, I asked her to be a guest blogger, something I never do, but she said 'NO WAY!' So you get some of the stories second hand...which I can tell you aren't as good. There is a video but it was shot sideways. You can see it when you are home.
Kendra White said…
John Hunter LOVES sushi too... sometimes we just get it at the Kroger's just to please him, because it can be semi-expensive! Whatever works, right??

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