Bluebird Alert

When Mark got off work this evening and after the sun drifted away from the compost bins, we decide to clean it up a little back in the way back so things look good for the party coming up in about two weeks...more on that later...We were working and sweating something fierce when I say a streak of blue out of the corner of my eye. Lucky for me I had my ever trusty camera in my pocket. Have you ever tried taking a picture with gardening gloves on? Man, your fingers seem so big. This is the best I could do...I thought it was a blue bird from the back but just as I took the picture, she turned around and I saw all this red. I was a little disappointed. After dinner and during Michael's shower I got out the bird book. And guess what I found...a picture of an Eastern Bluebird. The one I got a picture of is a male. They are cousins to the Robin. Yea, a blue bird. Never thought we'd have one visit the yard. Must be all the flowers and water fountains.


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