Weeks Recap

Oh and what an eventful week it has been. We paid for our great weekend at home, that is for sure. Mark is working a straight 9 day...12 hour days this week. I think maybe I have seen him for 5 minutes total. I ended up in the Urgent Care...weed rash...one shot, Z pack and $125 cream later...I still itch like crazy. I have been really tired this week and really haven't accomplished much. Emmy is in worse shape than me. She looks like she was in a pretty good fight and the other guy won. She missed work and almost an entire week of classes. She was here all that time. Bryce worked cleaning up a homeless encampment down on the river and is coverer...COVERED...with poison ivy. He also has missed work and classes. It has taken him two trips to the ER so far to get some relief. Cassie's camera croaked and we all have been in with drawl because there are no pics coming out of CO. (But good news, she's up and running again) Sarah has had a good week. She started her in-car classes. So don't be out on the roads...she tends to have a lead foot. Michael is a mess. Tree pollen in HIGH and his allergies are in overdrive. Coughing and sniffing to beat the band. Allyson had a great week. And Ella has managed to escape and run the neighborhood I can't tell you how many times.

Next week has to be better, right? Please tell me that it will be. Please!


Jan said…
Wow, that's a rough one, indeed. It will be better, next week, has to be.
Anonymous said…
Could not be happy that that week is FINALLY over!!
ronda said…
Hey there, hope everyone is on the mend. This to shall pass....wow maybe I should take my own advise..hehe. Let me know if you need anything!!

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