Unsuspecting Hero

As I write this my former "boss" and friend is recovering from surgery. One she necessarily didn't have to choose. But she did so willingly....

Hi all,
Tomorrow is the day for our kidney transplant surgery - I'm the donor to my sister. I'm in Connecticut and have made it thru the last round of tests prior to tomorrow's surgery. In fact right now we are drinking that great stuff to begin the body cleansing. Your prayers will be most appreciated for us and the staff at Hartford Hospital. I should be out by Sunday and Ann by Wednesday. I will be in Ct until May 21 at the doctor's request so they can follow up with me. Andy flies in tonight and is here until next Wed. (it's even during track season - he does love me!). The decision to do this was easy when I am the only one of my siblings that doesn't have the hereditary poly cystic kidney disease and I'm blessed to be a match (they have checked 3 times). Isn't it amazing that God planned the body with extras!!...FYI - no flowers are allowed in this area of the hospital or around the kidney recepient due to Ann's lowered imune system. I'm so blessed to have so many great friends offering prayers! Thanks you, thank you!!

Then this morning I got this from Andy, her 'crack me up' husband...

2:38 AM
Thursday It's been a long day ( Wednesday ). At the hospital by 5:30 AM...off to surgery at 7:30 AM for Barb...a bit later for Ann. Lots of waiting, and worrying. But then came the good news....The hospital cafeteria has really good food at really good prices. Quite impressive ! Whens the last time you had a huge order of sauteed, buttered mushrooms for 95 cents ? !! That's what makes America great ! If you charge a rip off price for a side dish of mushrooms you're obviously a Communist or a terrorist...or worse ! My cell phone batteries totally died about 6:00PM so I couldn't even call the kids. But the best news is that all is well so far ! ( Even better than the mushrooms ) There was a minor complication. Barb had two ureters ( the tube that runs from her soon to be mobile kidney to the bladder ( but you know about ureters, I'm sure. Who doesn't ?). We all took "Ureters 101" in college, didn't we ? So the surgeon had to do double duty on that. ( Will he charge for overtime ? I think he deserves it ) Barb does not do well with anesthetics ( and a lot of other things ). I reluctantly refrained from videoing her very sluggish recovery. Not a pretty sight ! Seriously... WHAT A HERO ! How often to do you get to cough up an organ to save your sister's life. They really had a great attitude going into this. Very positive...very giggly ( I hope that's a word )...very inspirational ! Let's all say some prayers that everything continues to go well....in the recovery room and in the cafeteria ( I really like sauteed mushrooms ). I've had a lot of questions from friends about where to send a card. Barb will be at her sister's house for awhile....I'm sure she'd rather talk to you than me. I can go out for sauteed mushrooms while you're chatting.

Barb Wolf
18 Mals Way
Unionville, Conn.06085

I know I have asked many, many time in the past to send to cards to people that I love that are struggling with something, or just need a little pick me up. I'd love to shower Barb (and Ann) with cards from people who also think she is a HERO. I have another friend who gave a sibling a kidney...it is a somewhat challenging recovery especially for someone active like Barb. If you could, please just drop a card in the mail to a true hero. Thanks.

Mark says when she gets home he is going to take over a can of kidney beans for Barb and some mushrooms for Andy.


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