'A Tale of Two Kidneys'

Another note from Andy...

Friday, 11:05 PM

Yesterday was , as the doctors predicted, awful. Barb was totally groggy and in tons of pain.
She didn't even want to watch Rachel Ray or Iron Chef. Seriously, it was a bad day, pain wise, but a good day
for our little kidney friends. Despite their unexpected independence, the little guys seem to be adjusting to their new role as
a solo act. The lab results for kidney functions are very good so far. And "so far" is always part of the equation.
Every day that goes by successfully will be huge for awhile.

Today ( Friday ) was much ,much better. When I got to Barb's room she was gone. She had walked down the hall to visit Ann.
The surgeons pumped her gut full of hot air ( no comment ) so they could do their work
more efficiently. Though still very sore and bloated, all in all, lots of progress. She started eating some real food. She Worried about her hair. Getting back to normal, a bit.

By the way, the old guy across the hall really needs to tie up the back of his little hospital gown when he goes for his ( way too frequent ) walks. If he was doing this on the street he'd be a sex offender. He's giving the term "swing easy" a whole new meaning...and not a good one !

Just in case you're interested, the cafeteria had Jamaican jerked pork today. Ya Mon ! Very , very good.
Two big slabs, garlic mashed potatoes, steamed veggies... $3.29. Eat your heart out El Coyote ! I'm lovin' it.

Let's hope tomorrow sees continued good fortune !


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