RRPC...See The Music

This weeks challenge is a real challenge for me. Carly's mind must go on non-stop. Where does she come up with all these ideas?

The Assignment: You can be literal with this one, with photos of sheet music, musical instruments, stereo equipment etc., or more abstract, showing something that reminds you of a particular song. Illustrate a Rolling Stones lyric, or photograph your favorite local band, or catch your kid practicing the guitar or clarinet! If it's suggestive of some kind of music, it counts!

Most of you know that I don't have a musical bone anywhere near or in my body. Never have, never will. So this will be a stretch for me to come up with something. We listen to music around the house, in the car, while we are working in the yard. And I might sing (hum) in the shower...not loud enough for anyone to hear me of course. I was sitting at the computer trying to find something clever. And out the window I heard some beautiful music coming from the birds in the trees and the Robins in the nest by the backdoor. Then it hit me. That is music and so are the 10 wind chimes that made that are hanging in the tree right off the patio.I can't decide which I like better making them and giving them away or listening to the at night or when we are working in the yard. I love going to flea markets or yard sales to look for the knives, forks and spoons. My friends and neighbors find them for me too. Michael and I even did an article for the DIY NZ magazine showing how to make one. They really do make the nicest music. I can hardly wit to see what the other Robins have come up with. I am almost positive they are all more musical than me. Click here to check them out. And while you are there why not try one of the challenges with us? They are fun and you learn a lot just by playing.


Jen S. said…
what a great windchime!
very musical indeed!

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