My Heart Is Happy

Our oldest son will graduate from the University of Cincinnati exactly 24 days. The other day he called and asked if I would help him with something that he was involved in at UC. Of course I said that I would help and have been waiting for instructions. They came today in an email. Once I read the entire letter I just sat back and smiled...all those 'Souper' Bowl Sundays, SEM hikes, helping bag food for families at Thanksgiving, serving at the Drop In Center, making meals and delivering them...all those things that we have done either as a family or as part of a youth group from church...something happened. And it makes my heart happy to think that he wants to fay it forward by doing what he can to help thru his class and hopefully someone reading this blog. When our kids were small Mark lost his job. We know what it is like to not have enough to go around. We had angels that just showed up in our lives. And as a result, we all try to pay it forward.

I am posting the letter from him in hopes that someone out there in blogger land will answer the call.

May 20, 2009

To Whom It May Concern:

We are students at the University of Cincinnati. Our Business Communication class requires us to plan, develop, and execute a social action project over the course of the quarter term. We have chosen to host a canned food drive for the St. George Food Pantry in Clifton Heights.
We are soliciting donations from area businesses for monetary donations or canned food donations. If your business is interested in donating to this project we would greatly appreciate your input. All donations would be recognized as donated from your organization at the food drive.
These donations will be used for the sole purpose and benefit of the St. George Food Pantry in Clifton Heights. No donations will be awarded to the University of Cincinnati participants or employees of St. George Food Pantry. If you have any questions you may contact the project group chairman, Bryce Ellis at 513-290-3226 or at
If you wish to have further information on the nature of the class requirement you may contact our Instructor, Molly Mayer, at or 513-556-4412.
Please respond to group project chairman Bryce Ellis at the number or email provided above by Wednesday June 3rd. Thank you in advance for your consideration and support.

Bryce Ellis
Mark Festi
Chris Honkonen
Ashley Gilene
Scott Ferguson
Jason Rhein


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